2nd Annual 24-Hour Solo Live Stream Will Celebrate and Track Results on #GivingTuesday

Press Release – SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – SEPTEMBER 24, 2018 – Devin Thorpe, a journalist and podcaster who covers the nonprofit arena, will again live stream #GivingTuesday. The global giving day was created by the United Nations Foundation and 92nd Street Y in 2012 and has been growing ever since.

Devin Thorpe

Thorpe dubbed his video live stream hosted on YouTube the #GTstreamathon. It will include over 100 interviews with nonprofit leaders, celebrities and crowdfunding platform operators participating in the global fundraising event. Beginning at midnight Pacific Time on November 27, 2018 and ending 24 hours later, the show will be produced and hosted entirely alone by one person.

“I’ve never had so much fun at work,” Thorpe said of the first annual #GTstreamathon. “It was as exhausting as you can imagine, but also exhilarating. I was thrilled to connect that day with so many people doing so much good for the world while at the same time see the global fundraising tally top both all prior records and $100 million dollars.”

“Participating in the #GTstreamathon last year was fun and easy,” says Carrie Romano, CEO of the Ronald McDonald House Charities Intermountain Area. “This simple step added to our overall fundraising strategy that day, helping us to maximize the funds we raised. Devin is a great host who shares our passion for doing good.”

“Joining Devin for the #GTstreamathon in 2017 was so impactful, we jumped at the chance not only to participate again this year but to sponsor,” says Daryl Hatton, CEO of FundRazr. “At FundRazr, we want to help nonprofits raise more money by easily connecting donors with the impact of their contributions. #GivingTuesday aligns perfectly with our goals and the livestream is an exciting way to engage with it.”

Thorpe is accepting applications from nonprofit leaders who would like to participate at apply.gtstreamathon.org. There is no cost for nonprofits to participate. For-profit businesses interested in sponsoring the event are invited to apply at the same website. All media outlets are invited to broadcast or host the YouTube livestream on their websites without charge and are encouraged to express interest at media.gtstreamathon.org.

More about the #GTstreamathon:

The #GTstreamathon is a 24-hour video livestream hosted by Devin Thorpe, a journalist and podcaster, whose guests include nonprofit leaders, celebrities and crowdfunding professionals. Watch the live stream on November 27, 2018 at gtstreamathon.org.

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